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ASHTANGA YOGA RETREAT with Flora Brajot 23 - 29 Nisan 2023
Dear students, for the next spring, I’m offering you a get away to a country I specially cherish, for having living there some years ago : Turkey. We will stay close to Çeşme, in the beautiful yoga retreat of Çeşmeköy.
Saat ve Yer
23 Nis 2023 19:00 – 29 Nis 2023 19:00
Çeşme, Çakabey, Çeşme/İzmir, Türkiye
Etkinlik Hakkında
The practice
mornings : mysore or led class
Late afternoons: asanas workshops/ restorative yoga
1 afternoon will be free for an expedition around the area or by boat to the islands.
Level and pre-requisites1 or 2 years of ashtanga and to be used to the Mysore class format.
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